Saturday, January 29, 2011

Total Life Design

Welcome to Total Life Design!

Total Life Design is the culmination of a lot of years of hard work in different disciplines.  Finally, pursuing the right profession that captures my process-oriented nature, eye for detail, love of nature, coaching, consulting, and creativity.


It's nice to gain clarity.  Hopefully, that will translate into my blog where I can provide tips and tools to help everyone I come into contact with regardless of the circumstance.


  1. Your explanations of your background and philosophy are great!

    But I can't comment on your assignment- I think it's because its a page instead of a post.

  2. I couldn't find where to comment on your primary elements page. I loved your attention to detail and how in depth you went into your explanations. I just had a really hard time reading them because the words were so small. It looks like you might have done it on power point instead of actually posting your explanations. Maybe next time you can use a bigger font size!

  3. The background page of your blog looks great! I like the black and white look that you have going on. This is going to look really nice with our postings on your black and white diagrams. I can certainly see you as a consultant - good choice of word for you!

  4. Thanks for comments on background--speaks to one of my words in my design philosophy: elegance.

    I increased my font size on the PowerPoints so hopefully that will help with viewing.
